Sassy is the acronym for Spiritually Active Saved Sound Young Women. It's a ministry for women which goes beyond the four walls of the church. Everyone’s journey is different, and we are here to support you on yours.

Our Mission is to mentor, train, and provide outreach to young women who are experiencing challenges due to the life decisions they have made.

Sassy is not a cute name it is a lifestyle. We have all experienced hardships, heartbreak, obstacles, and low moments, but how we get through them is up to us. At the age of 23, the doctors told my parents I had a 50% chance of living. I was fighting for my life and so was my newborn son. I had accepted the fact that I was going to die. A group of women visited and prayed for me while I was in SICU. One of the ladies looked at me and said “you will live and not die." Here we are years later, and I am living! That was the day S.A.S.S.Y. was planted within me. My life improved because I made the choice to become a Spiritually Active Saved Sound Young woman.
Our team is a group of women who build, encourage, and uplift other women. We understand our been-through was necessary for our breakthrough.
We are our sister's keeper!